Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Planning next year's garden

Having spent all weekend reading gardening books, drawing plans, surfing the internet for tips, ordering seed catalogues, and creating a planting plan for next year, my enthusiasm for next year's garden is still strong.

My little greenhouse in the snow in February..
This has been the first year that I have had outdoor space to enjoy, all be it rather small and paved in places, and have had a great time this spring and summer creating borders in the back garden, redesigning the border in the front garden - with the help of my parents, tending the front lawn with TLC (and buying a little lawnmower - hurrah) to try and get green grass, and growing some veg in pots. I started off early this year, growing veg in a propagator indoors, as we had some snow..

This weekend, I have harvested most of the final (rather teeny crop) and been trying to figure out what to do next year to have better success. I've made quite a few mistakes - the main one being unsure when to harvest veg at the right time - and am determined to do better next year.

My biggest challenge is that my husband has a job that means we will move every 2 years or so, and so I am looking for a veg and flower growing approach that will survive moving frequently. My main plan is to grow flowers in pots and take them with us, and to grow veg in smallish raised beds as well as containers.

I am patiently waiting for Mel Bartholomew's book on square foot gardening to arrive to see what inspiration that provides..

The reason I've started this blog is to try and join the community of online gardeners, especially those with square foot gardens, as I reckon it might just work!

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